Zephyrine Naim Mining Company (AKA Zeph-NA)

We're the experts in dredging and sand mining

Zeph-Na River Sands and Dredging company is 100% Liberian owned. A dynamic and environmentally responsible small to medium-sized sand mining and dredging company dedicated to providing high-quality sand and dredging services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. With a commitment to sustainable practices and cutting-edge technology, we strive to be the industry leader for Liberia in delivering top-notch products and services.

Company Overview:

Established: 2021

Location: Tower Hill, Margibi county

CEO: Marvin Cassell

Our Services

Port Dredging

Our dredging equipment and skilled workforce enable us to undertake various dredging projects, including harbor maintenance, channel deepening, basin cleaning and environmental restoraMon.

Sand Mining

We specialize in responsibly extracMng high quality sand from coastal and riverbed sources, ensuring minimal environmental impact through comprehensive restoration efforts.

Material Supply

Zeph-NA supplies a wide range of sands suitable for various applications, including construction, landscaping, and industrial purposes.

Environmental Stewardship

We are committed to preserving the natural habitat and ecosystem by adhering to strict environmental regulations and engaging in reclamation and restoration projects.

Key Differentiators

Environmental Responsibility

We prioritize sustainability by employing eco-friendly mining and dredging techniques, and we actively participate in habitat restoration projects.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We invest in the latest dredging and sand processing technology, ensuring efficiency, precision, and quality in all our operations. In our arsenal of equipment’s presently we have a portable 10” dredger for close shore berth areas that can discharge up to 200 meters and dredge 20 meters deep, also within an 8 weeks wait-time we have the Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD) that can discharge up to 1000 meters.

Experienced Team

Our dedicated team of experts, including dredger, divers, and environmentalists, ensures that highest standards in sand extraction and dredging services. Our team has a combined experience of over 30 years of dredging.

boats on water under blue sky
boats on water under blue sky


We cater to a diverse client base, including:

• Construction companies

• Port authorities

• Industrial manufacturers

• Environmental organizations

Safety and Quality Assurance

• We prioritize the safety of our employees and the communities where we operate. Stringent safety measures are embedded in every aspect of our operations.

• Quality assurance processes ensure that our products meet industry standards and exceed clients expectations.


Our team is certified by the following:

• Liberian Maritime Authority

• Environmental ProtecMon Agency (EPA)

• Land and Mines

Expert Dredging Solutions

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